Amazin Automation Solution India

Save Time & Accessories increase the effectiveness with Amazin Weighbridge Automation

unmanned Weighbridge System

    Unmanned Weighbridge Automation

    Automated Boom Barriers & UHF based RFID reader identifies the truck to be weighed, Sensor logic verifies the truck to be correctly positioned on the weighbridge platform

Smart Weighbridge Management System

WB 02

Smart WMS System is the latest generation of Unmanned Weighbridge Management System (WMS) from Amazin. Our Smart WMS system works with any range of weighing automation solutions with innovative features. It can automate your new or existing weighbridge of any make, to operate 24×7 without an operator and a weigh cabin. Smart Features of Smart WMS System. Weighbridge is a large set of scales,usally mounted permanently on a concrete foundation,that is used to road vehicles and their contents.By weighing the vehicle both empty and when loaded,the load carried by the vehicle can be calculated.The key component that uses a weighbridge in order to make the weigh measurement is load cells.

Advance Level Technology of Amazin Unmanned Weighbridge


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